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Unlocking the Power of

OJT Associates helps employers leverage work-based learning opportunities through WIOA. This expands candidate hiring pools and provides significant employer cost savings.


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What We Do

OJT Associates helps small and medium size employers expand the candidate pool and accelerate hiring at a lower cost per candidate on a risk-free basis.

Our process focuses on conducting a detailed skills gap analysis on employment candidates as well as on the existing workforce.

Armed with the skills gap analysis, we recommend candidates for hire or promotion who might otherwise be overlooked because they don’t check every box in a job description.

OJT Associates delivers a “done for you” service platform that makes applying for On-the-Job-Training, Incumbent Worker Training, and other training grants efficient for organizations regardless of size.


While OJT Associates specifically focuses on helping small and medium size employers, it serves a wide range of companies.

IT Training Company

IT Training company uses WIOA OJT funds to hire a transitioning military veteran into private employment. Without WIOA OJT funds it is unlikely this employer would have taken a chance on this veteran. The veteran went on to become a revenue leader and a campus director taking an underperforming campus and turning it into the most consistently profitable campus in the company. This veteran now works with other companies to help them leverage OJT funds benefitting their business and students.

Defense and Aerospace Manufacturer

Defense and aerospace manufacturer hires a person with commercial CNC operator experience but without experience in the type of CNC milling equipment deployed and using the tolerances required by the Department of Defense. 50% of the wages for training this new hire are reimbursed by WIOA OJT funds.

How does OJT Associates help organizations?

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), On-the-Job-Training (OJT) funds reduce employer hiring risk by reimbursing a new hires salary during training for up to six months. The program provides salary reimbursement of up to 50% of the average wage or salary in each state for a given position. The salary reimbursement timeframe and amount vary by State.
Independent labor and workforce analysts estimate that billions of dollars of budgeted, government allocated, job training funds go unused every year. This includes WIOA-OJT and many other Federal programs administered by the US Departments of Labor, Education and Commerce.
Smaller organizations have a difficult time taking advantage of available WIOA grants because of the amount of time, effort, paperwork, and tracking required to submit a new hire or existing employee for the program.

The OJT Associates "done for you" service platform solves this problem for small and medium size employers allowing them to  participate in these valuable programs.

Benefits of working with OJT Associates:


Your organization provides On-the-Job-Training for new employees TODAY and is a part of the onboarding/training process. You may as well get paid for your significant investment in new employee training.


Eliminates the administrative burden. OJT Associates eliminates the administrative burden by providing a “done for you” service platform that makes applying for On-the-Job-Training funds efficient for every organization regardless of size, revenue, and number of employees. OJT Associates makes the submission, approval, documentation, management, and reimbursement process for On-the-Job-Training funds risk free, easy, and accessible to all organizations.


OJT Associates provides a platform for evaluating individuals who may not be an exact match for a specific open position, but have the capacity, willingness, and capability to be trained and upskilled, potentially at a lower wage or salary. 


Many employers tell us they lack candidates for key open positions. OJT Associates, using the powerful TORQ platform, expands the hiring pool by identifying hidden gems in your EXISTING applicant pool. The TORQ platform uses powerful Federal and private databases like O*NET, to identify transferable knowledge, skills, and abilities for candidates within your hiring pool. This enables you to analyze your existing applicants through an objective lens based on actual, objective data.


OJT Associates services are risk free to the employer.


Employee retention and employee development go hand-in-hand. Research shows that when employees are provided with training and development opportunities, they are more loyal and willing to remain long term with their employer. Employee development includes the opportunity for employment and financial growth. OJT Associates provides a development and educational plan for new employees based on the needs of the organization and the employee.

How does it work?

Submit Info

Organization sends OJT Associates the job descriptions for open positions.

Candidate profile creation

Using existing client data and the TORQ platform, OJT Associates creates a profile for each new hire.


Based on the profile, TORQ and OJT Associates generate a skills gap analysis report.

Create on the job training plan

The OJT Plan identifies candidate skills and knowledge gaps for job proficiency. This is critical data in gaining workforce development board approval.

Submission and Approval

OJT Associates submits the OJT Plan and follows up with the local Workforce Development Board.

Advisory and Assistance

OJT Associates works with the employer to ensure that all necessary paperwork is submitted to ensure payment.

Ready to get started?

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